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Friday, September 27, 2013


How many people have bought or been bought this book and actually read it all?  My instinct when I first picked it up was to see if my favourite albums had been selected.  I did this to validate my musical taste and/or establish what level of credibility I would assign this compilation.  Then it occurred to me that I should listen to these albums.  You know.  Before I die.

At least when people start talking about their favourite stuff and it's something I haven't heard of, I'll know it's more down to the extremes of musical proclivities than it is about my level of ignorance.

The reason I'm blogging about it is I thought some people might find it entertaining.  Others might be grateful they don't have to do the work themselves.  But if nothing else, it means I can come back to my thoughts on these albums at some point in the future when I inevitably forget that I ever listened to...

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Opinions are like arseholes. They're never wrong. But I'd rather you express one than be the other :-)